Unframed Oil Painting Price List

Standard picture sizes
I am presently painting commissions "en brunaille", aka, monochromatic brown scale.
5x7 = $350.00
8x10 = $800.00
11x14 = $1540.00
16x20 = $3200.00
20x24 = $4800.00
Other picture sizes commonly requested
10x10 = $1000.00
12x24 = $2880.00
24x36 = $8640.00
Prices are based on $10.00 a square inch. The maximum canvas size considered,  24x36 inches. Delivery and/or Shipping is included in the commission price. 

What to expect

What are you looking for in a painting? Think about what size painting you want and where it may hang.

  • My goal is to capture the essence and spirit of a moment that you want to capture..

  • My purpose is to provide you with courteous personalized service to ensure that you are delighted with your finished portrait.  

  • Clients are welcome to communicate with me at any time

The materials

I use professional materials like Claessens Belgium linen solid core wood panels and paints like Gamblin, Grumbacher and Windsor Newton.

My Process

  • I begin my process by getting to know you, and discuss your ideas.

  • I work using photographic references. I will provide you with necessary photo tips and I may take additional pictures. Recommended photo resolution 300 ppi(pixels per inch). I may paint backgrounds different than what appears in photos; this may be called for, in order to achieve a more harmonious composition.

  • I confer with the client on composition before painting.

  • I paint with time consuming care and attention to detail.

  • Estimated time to complete a painting, 1-4 months, depending on size and drying times. Large complex pictures of high detail can take up to 6-8 months to complete.

Pricing & Delivery

My Commitment to You

I will make every reasonable effort to create a work of art the satisfies you completely.


In keeping with standard portrait professional practices, a non refundable deposit of half the total cost will be expected before I start. I will provide you with an invoice via e-mail. All major credit and debit cards are accepted via paypal. The balance of the commission is due when the painting is accepted by the client. Other payment options can be discussed; additional fees may apply.

My goal is to make the best work I’m capable of so that you will not only accept it, you’ll love it forever! But, if for any reason I don’t hit the mark, you simply don’t pay the other 50% and I keep the painting.


Clients hold the copyright on their photo that I work from, however I retain the copyright and reproduction rights on the artwork created from the client’s photo.

Website Display

Art work created may be displayed on my website.


Framing is not included in the price of the commission quote. Choosing a frame is influenced by where the client wants to hang the painting and what other pictures and objects surround it. Therefore the client is responsible for framing. I can assist with recommending a frame and getting a quote for you.

Special Travel Requests

If I travel to meet a client for a proposed project, travel expenses are additional, such as round trip airfare, meals, lodging and rental car. Travel expenses will be billed at cost.


Shipping is included in the price of the commission quote for continental USA.

Commissions only accepted in the Continental USA